Journals & Stories
This page is for the true believer… the stonework lover … old school craftsperson, curious community member, fellow stone mason, or anyone who enjoys our work and would like to see a little more about a project. This is also where we download those ideas worth sharing.
Memorial Mosaic Patio
Neptune Rising
Triskelion Table
Designing with Stone
Traditional Stone Craft in Modern Architecture
Mosaics in the Landscape
Principles of Drystone
Communal Urn / Ash Vault
The GreenMan
The Goldfinch Trail
The Tiny Kingdom Mosaic
Biltmore Forest Patio
The Care Takers Mosaic
Phoenix Rising
Sacred Circle Fire Ring
Vines Mosaic Floor
The Boy with Antlers
The Dragon Family Mosaic
Biltmore Forest Wall
Coleman Avenue Project
The Cliffs at Walnut Cove
The Koi of Kimberly Knoll
Daggett Wall
Fletcher Walls, Steps & Patio