Stone Mosaics by Marc Archambault
My journey to becoming a mosaic artist started in March 1999, when Kristin and I visited Italy. My obsession started at Basilica San Marco in Venice, admiring the gorgeous stone floors, some of which were almost 1000 years old. The craftsmanship and color drew me in. At the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican , I jostled with a million other tourists, eking out a smidge of space to study the floors. It may sound like heresy, but I didn’t really connect with the famous ceiling, but I was mesmerized by the humble floors. This was my introduction to opus sectile mosaic, an art and craft that requires an astounding level of skill and technical ability, especially in the centuries before electricity. I have been fascinated since.
Though I found my calling in ‘99, it was a long time before I actually started making mosaics. My first forays into cutting stone and fitting them tightly were patio projects, a departure from the chisel work and rustic feel that defined my traditional stonework. I sublet shop space from a granite fabricator to cut and assemble my first such patio. The countertop guys taught me a lot about tools and techniques. My skills were limited but I could already see the potential. I raided their scrap piles for the materials for my first true mosaics. I still have a few of those pieces around; it’s fascinating to track the progression, particularly how much the tooling and techniques have changed. Before I developed an affinity for tile saws, I did everything with an angle grinder. That seems crazy to me now, but it was the only tool I had that could make stone move the way I wanted it to.
I am an archivist at heart. This page is my best attempt to document my mosaic work from start to now and hopefully forever onward. The images are organized with the most recent works at the top. My first pieces are at the bottom of the page. While not everything might technically be a mosaic, they all contributed to my capacity to execute my vision in some meaningful way. Some images link to more detailed portfolios of certain projects. I have resisted the urge to include every bit of every process. Sometimes though, I can’t resist certain images, glimpses into the process, reminders of how my artwork and process has evolved.
This is my original artworks, except for a couple of pieces I adapted for mosaic, like the Green Man Brewery logo. I fabricated many of the smaller pieces on my own, but I’ve been ably assisted by my talented crew, present and past, who helped fabricate and install the larger pieces.
Stone Mosaics by Marc Archambault
Stone Mosaic Gallery by Marc Archambault
2023- Yin Yang Koi: mosaic stone rug, available for sale
2023- Cherokee Greyhound: stone mosaic/relief sculpture, framed, available for sale
2023- Anna: wall art stone mosaic, framed, available for sale
2023- Archer: wall art stone mosaic, framed, available for sale
2023- Radish: stone mosaic inlay at a local farmstand, Asheville
2023- Easter Egg #2: stone mosaic inlay, same project, different spot, Asheville
2023- Venice #3: mosaic wall art, inspired by Venetian floors, private collection
2023- Venice #2: mosaic wall art inspired by Venetian floors, available for sale
2023- Dragonfly- stone mosaic inlay in patio, Lake Lure
2023- Max: wall art stone mosaic memorial, for a friend
2023- Venetian Triangles: stone mosaic wall art, my collection
2023- Easter Egg: mosaic inlay into patio, private residence, Asheville
2023- Neptune Rising: mosaic stone rug, commissioned by University of North Carolina at Asheville
2023- Fibonacci Mosaic (detail): centerpiece of a memorial mosaic patio, Chapel Hill
2023- Fibonacci Mosaic: centerpiece of a memorial mosaic patio, Chapel Hill
2023- Triskelion Table: stone mosaic inlay, private residence, Asheville
2023- Six-Pointed Star: wall art stone mosaic, private collection
2023- Bumblebee: stone mosaic inlay in patio, private residence, Asheville
2022- Six Pointed Star, stone rug from leftover scraps, in my garden
2022- 12 Pointed Star- hanging wall art mosaic, private collection
2022- Black Bear: mosaic inlay, stone pathway, private residence, Asheville
2022- Five Petal Rose: stone rug mosaic, pathway at private residence in Asheville
2021- The Treehouse Orchestra: stone mosaic with percussion instruments, Larchmont Elementary School, Norfolk, Virginia
2021- Eight Point Stars, available for sale
2021- Eight Point Star- Green: wall art mosaic, available for sale
2021- Eight Point Star- Red: wall art mosaic, available for sale
2021- Cross: this was hidden inside the communal urn on the back of the door/hatch- destroyed by vandals
2021- Hand: proof of concept but never finished
2021- Sunburst Stoop: mosaic stone rug, Asheville
2021- Goldfinch: Garden Guardian, mosaic inlay into bluestone, private residence
2021- Koi: stone mosaic set into tile, replaced tiles broken by moving company
2021- The Care Takers: stone mosaic mural, Ocean View Elementary School, Norfolk, Virginia
2021- The Care Takers: striper detail, stone mosaic mural, Ocean View Elementary School, Norfolk, Virginia
2021- Star Patio: stone mosaic set into patio, Marshall, NC
2021- Star Patio: stone mosaic set into patio, Marshall, NC
2020- Kingfisher: wall art stone mosaic, private collection
2020- Family Themes: four mosaics for setting into patio, Weaverville, NC
2020- Family Themes: detail of 'love' set into patio, Weaverville, NC
2020- Asheville School Medallion: stone mosaic inlay into on-campus patio
2020- Asheville School Medallion: stone mosaic inlay into on-campus patio, in the truck
2020- Carolina Wren- wall art mosaic, framed, private collection
2020- Fox Family: Garden Guardian mosaic inlay, private residence Alpharetta, Georgia
2020- Art Deco Owl: wall art stone mosaic, framed, available for sale
2020- Eastern Swallowtail: wall art stone mosaic, private collection
2019- Three Little Birds: Garden Guardian, Asheville
2019- SandStorm: wall art stone mosaic, framed, available for sale
2019- SandStorm (detail): wall art stone mosaic, framed, available for sale
2019- Robin: art stone mosaic, private collection
2019- Chickadee: art stone mosaic, private collection
2019- Goldfinch: art stone mosaic, private collection
2019- The Dragon Family: stone mosaic, Camp Allen Elementary School, Norfolk, Virginia
2019- The Dragon Family (detail): stone mosaic, Camp Allen Elementary School, Norfolk, Virginia
2019- The Tiny Kingdom: stone mosaic, Southside STEM Academy at Campostella, Norfolk, Virginia
2019- The Tiny Kingdom (detail): stone mosaic, Southside STEM Academy at Campostella, Norfolk, Virginia
2019- Oak Leaf: stone mosaic set into landing, Asheville
2019- Cardinal: wall hanging art mosaic, private collection
2019- Cardinal: wall hanging art mosaic, private collection
2019- Dragonfly: stone rug in patio, private residence Asheville
2018- Birds of Every Feather: stone mosaic, Ocean View Elementary School
2018- Birds of Every Feather (process): stone mosaic, Ocean View Elementary School
2018- Great Blue Heron: Garden Guardian, private residence
2018- Venice Floor Prototype: stone mosaic, test piece, now scattered
2018- Trillium: stone mosaic set into alcove of house, Maryville, Tennessee
2018- Phoenix Rising: natural stone mosaic, Richard Bowling Elementary School, Norfolk, Virginia
2018- Phoenix Rising (detail): natural stone mosaic, Richard Bowling Elementary School, Norfolk, Virginia
2017- Ascension LFC: memorial mosaic, my collection
2017- Seed: wall hanging natural stone mosaic, available for sale
2017- Cardinal: natural stone mosaic, private collection
2017- Mountain Creek (detail): stone mosaic water feature, NC Arboretum, Asheville
2017- Mountain Creek (detail): stone mosaic water feature, NC Arboretum, Asheville
2017- Coyote: Garden Guardian, stone mosaic inlay, Atlanta, Georgia
2017- Mountain Creek (detail): stone mosaic water feature, NC Arboretum, Asheville
2016- The GreenMan: natural stone mosaic, Asheville, North Carolina
2016- The Labyrinth at First Baptist Church: natural stone mosaic, Asheville, NC
2016- The Labyrinth at First Baptist Church (detail): natural stone mosaic, Asheville, NC
2016- Stream Path: natural stone mosaic water feature, cut flagstone path, Memorial Garden at First Baptist Church, Asheville, NC
2016- Palm Leaf (1 of 6): natural stone mosaic, Memorial Garden at First Baptist Church, Asheville, NC
2016- The Boy With Antlers: stone mosaic wall art, based on character from bedtime stories I told my sons, my collection
2016- The Boy With Antlers: process, stone mosaic wall art, my collection
2015- Pebble Sunflower: natural stone mosaic, Asheville residence
2015- Apu (detail): proof of concept, still in process!
2015- Earth: natural stone mosaic, proivate collection
2015- Sultan: natural stone mosaic, my collection
2015- The Village: natural stone rug, Boys & Girls Club, Hendersonville, NC
2015- The Village (detail): natural stone rug, Boys & Girls Club, Hendersonville, NC
2014- Shower Fish: stone & tile mosaic, private residence
2014- Rumi: natural stone mosaic, private collection
2014- Sacred Circle Fire Pit: stone rug galaxy patio, private residence
2012- The Hiker: natural stone rug memorial, Riverside Cemetery, Asheville, NC
2012- The Hiker (expanded in the truck): natural stone rug memorial, Riverside Cemetery, Asheville, NC
2011- Koi: flagstone rug, proof of concept piece, later cannibalized for stone pieces
2011- Blue Spiral: mosaic stone rug, public art project, Gainesville, Florida
2011- Blue Spiral (detail): mosaic stone rug, public art project, Gainesville, Florida
2011- Dove: wall art natural mosaic, my collection
2010- Egg: natural stone mosaic, mostly... the egg itself is a concrete composite! I didn't even know at the time! whereabouts unknown
2010- Pebble Run: my first inlay, river pebbles in bluestone, whereabouts unknown
2009- Eight Leaves, Nine Stories: natural stone mosaic rug, private residence, Asheville
2009- Eight Leaves, Nine Stories (detail): natural stone mosaic rug, private residence, Asheville. It all begins here.