Fire Pits, Fireplaces & Pizza Ovens
Fire and stone are elemental forces that have an eternal and abiding relationship. While fire forges stone in the depths of the Earth, stone has been used to restrain fire since people first learned to harness its power.
A well built stone fireplace adds warmth and character to the home. Fire pits add hours and even seasons of enjoyment to any patio and outdoor living space. Pizza ovens are functional tools that offer chefs of all abilities a chance to make extraordinary meals. This page features several different projects Hammerhead Stoneworks has created in and around Asheville that blend stone and fire.
Featured Firepit
Sacred Circle Fire Ring
This ceremonial fire pit we built on the outskirts of Asheville, North Carolina is forty-five feet in diameter and required over 50 tons of stone. The Sacred Circle is used as a gathering place for a diverse community of spiritual practices.